Saturday, June 30, 2012

Usthad Hotel Review, Reports First Day - Malayalam Film Review

Usthad Hotel Malayalam Movie Review From Facebook  
Read all about the general review of the Malayalam film Usthad Hotel starring Dulquer Salman, Nithya Menon, Thilakan, Siddique from the Facebook users. Do not just read the review from just one person. Get an idea of the film from many.Here is the general review of Malayalam movie Usthad Hotel.

Usthad Hotel my review

Malayalam cinema re invented its old days . Usthad hotel is definitely one of the good movies to come out in Malayalam cinema in 2012 .without any gimmicks or heroic show offs Anwar Rasheed showed he can make sensible movies. Hats off to Anjali Menon for a superb script .it’s a film that will make you feel good .don’t expect Rajamanikyam or Chotta Mumbai .it’s completely different genre

It is a story of young man who aspires to be a chef overseas, but later he realizes that, it’s better to serve our people rather than foreign people, somewhat similar to swadesh .The story also tells about a heart touching relationship between grandfather and grandson ,who changed his life and perspectives about life


entire film superb direction ,script , bgm ,cast etc.

* Dulquer Salman- shocking performance, especially in the second half. one of the best performance from a youngster in recent times

* Thilakan chettan -awesome as ever
* For the first time i liked Nithya’s performance
* Siddique and other cast were also perfect


* Second half is relatively slow - but it suits the mood of the movie

Favorite scenes

* Dulquer -Nithya combination scenes in night .
"ninak onnum amem penganmarum ileda " polapan dialogue
*post interval scene
* Scene in which Thilakan chettan depicts his love story with vaathilil song
* Scene in which children’s give signature to dulquer, simply awesome, best scene of the movie

Rating -8.5/10
Verdict -hit.

watched Usthad hotel. A good simple movie.1st half full of entertainment second half a bit slow but it moves on with a good mood of the movie. A good message at the end of the movie..Good to see Malayalam movies coming up with a message just like spirit and usthad hotel. Sure shot hit.

Verdict ::3.75/4

Watched Usthad hotel
Anwar Rasheed,Anjali Menon - thanks for giving a superb movie like this.

its a simple and also an extra ordinary film taken in a very good manner. Thilakan as always did a wonderful a job. It’s not like masala entertainer. It’s pure film which provides good comedies, sentiments, feelings.

The pictureization and music was perfect.
Dulquer again proved that he has a bright future.


Script, camera, direction, songs, Thilakan, Dulquer, Mammookoya(he has given a good sensational comedies)


Nothing specific - 1 or 2 scenes in second half were boring.

The film gives a good message...

verdict: super hit
my rating : 4/5


The reviews published are the sole opinion of the induvidual persons. If you find any of the review here is quite wrong feel free to comment below with the name and reason.


Friday, June 29, 2012

Ustad Hotel Review and Release Theatres List


USTAD HOTEL film starring Dulquer Salman and Nithya Menon is releasing on June 29 2012. 

Here is the release theaters of  Ustad Hotel in kerala.



  • Dulquer Salman
  • Nithya Menon
  • Thilakan
  • Siddique
Please wait for the official review.

If you have seen the film, comment your thoughts below for feedback to all the malayalam movie lovers.



Top Malayalam Films in 2012 January Rating

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Banking Hours 10-4 Malayalam Movie Cast Review

Whole star cast of BANKING HOURS 10-4

  1. Anoop menon
  2. jishnu
  3. kailesh
  4. baburaj
  5. tini tom
  6. meghana raj
  7. shafna
  8. sarayu
  9. vishnupriya
  10. munna
  11. roshan basheer
  12. mithun
  13. sudeesh
  14. krishna
  15. nishanth sagar
  16. bion jemini
  17. arun
  18. sankar
  19. sreelatha
  20. master arun
  21. sathar
  22. ambika mohan
  23. kiran raj
  24. lakshmipriya
  25. jayakrishna
  26. raghavan
  27. asokan
  28. vijay menon
  29. irshad
  30. chali pala
  31. manraj
  32. babhitha'
And a bunch of talented new faces 
Banking Hours
Banking Hours
Banking Hours
Banking Hours
Banking Hours
Banking Hours

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

SIMHASANAM Malayalam Movie Release

YSR PRITHVIRAJ in Lead With 2 Heroines..
Big Cinema Includes Sai Kumar, Thilakan, Siddhique, Manikuttan and All the Top actors f Mollywood,,!!!
Movie is Inspired Frm Hollywood Story "GODFATHER" Which was already Inspired by"NADUVAZHIKAL" && "GOD-FATHER" Malayalam Movies..




Monday, June 18, 2012

Edge of Smaller Networking Groups over Bigger Ones

Before going ahead and discussions, the concept of “Edge” must be clear so as to achieve required results. “Edge” philosophy is based on hard work, consistency and commitment, to reach at heights of performances, for which you are struggling for.

It would be better if concept of network also be discussed in brief. An effective net worker should be outgoing, sincere, friendly, and supportive, a good listener or someone who follows up and stays in touch. Networking and skills only are not enough qualities for good networking , but it should be based on , asking question to self “how do I like to be treated and I can be satisfied? What kinds of people do I trust and consider good friends and which qualities can impress me “?

All people follow and go for networking events, but a little know how to network effectively, full of attracrion.Networking is not only going out and meeting people? No, it means much more. Networking is a complete structure and feasibility plan which explains how to choose people , who shall prove useful in business, who can help, or which category can lead you to such people.

Therefore the importance of having a business profile on a networking site goes without saying. Since the time this “global village” phenomenon came into spotlight, the definitions of running businesses, small and large, have changed entirely. 

Now, Let’s evaluate the edges of smaller networking groups over bigger ones:

Marketing at own accord:

Obliviously, smaller networking group allows and make feasible to work freely as per your desires and wish, freedom to market, to edge in your specific target market by using customized tools along with other plans. This would also render convenience since a smaller group would have fewer needs to satisfy. Furthermore, a small group always presents with continuous wining opportunities helping others to know and the in return would respond as potential customers and spread the word of mouth to a wider arena of potential clients , which may not be possible do on your own.

An opportunity to Use quality Resource to penetrate into market:
Among other edges, the target audience would get information and opinions about a prospective purchase from their network buddies. This will be a positive purchase influence that businesses should tap into using better customer information services and keeping a good track record of satisfied customers to avoid any negative reputations.

A fragrant Recognition
May it be not possible for a smaller networking group to be as effective in gaining a wider audience but it would definitely instill deeper and much more enhanced product recognition in the selective audience by keeping the smaller group satisfied and loyal .This loyalty will prove a fruitful seed for future ‘referrals’ to the wider groups in due time.

Gives Distinguished Edge
After wining trust and name among your existing customers, you could definitely expand into wider markets using this trust as a distinguished feature. By continuously responding to user demands, you could go that extra mile in keeping them want your product more and eventually resulting in expanded business with increase sales.

It Proves your worth
you could individually invite some ones to try your products or services .Never disappoints your customers / clients. Provide as much preliminary information and details about the significance and use of products or services. You will notice that the more information you give , much response you will get. If you successfully position your products or services according to your smaller network group’ needs, you might just be overwhelmed by the hits you get after the ‘viral’ sharing of your information on all the social networking sites and you will know what is meaning of “ Edge of smaller networking groups over bigger ones”.

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Relation of E commerce Web design and Open Service Platform

Most of people have heard the term “ecommerce web design “, possibly few know about details of its functional and operational features. 

In ecommerce websites, it becomes more important when chased by B2c and B2b business owners as it is a trade which is carried and continued as online business, as a market place which binds traders and customers. The importance can be assessed as such sites are not area specified, but allows traders to target global market and customers. Whereas:-

Open service platform is a source which keeps the telecommunication network open to external service applications through well-defined API. Online business has become a fast growing and now commonly used by organizations, individuals and companies .All create websites in order to expand their reach globally intending to increase business.

The base of success of site is its web platform used. One is the open service platform. This is an online web development system that can be downloaded, installed and run. As many kinds and verities available in market so, it would be better to consult some professional web designer in selecting site material because of their profession which keep them updated.

Before constructing any site, one should be crystal clear about objectives and features supposed to achieve, because it make the platforms distinct from others. It should be cost effective with facility allowing future expansion or modification as per business accord. It shall save the set-up and maintenance expenses.

eCommerce is a popular online software available almost with all web developers. It owes this due to its flexibility and power and free availablility for everyone. Developers use the platform for ecommerce web design and for the creation of web applications. In addition this web platform deals with delivery of multimedia, as well as content management systems. This is a platform that allows future enhancements in a reliable and secure manner.

Many open service platforms are there, say flooded and each with certain merits and demerits. It is really confusing while selecting the platform for site. An open source platform will certainly beneficial when operate a close unit.

Calculate carefully the volume of data that site have to handle. In case it is inclusive of texts, images, audio and video files, technical formats, and anything else that constitutes the site. A professional designer can assist effectively considering factors like programming language, the capabilities of the server, the size of product line as well as the necessary required functions (indexing, searching, formatting and publishing).

Before finalizing any platform, one ought to ensure that it is the latest upgradeable version, in order to enhance the site safety from hackers and malware. So, the platform stands as pillar of a secure ecommerce web. Professional web design is an essential requirement of the day. Better websites attract more traffic which may covert into sales. The quality site is that which have ability to engage and convenient in use, quick to load, with best possible browsing experience which increases conversion and customer retention Integrate flawlessly with operational business applications. Furthermore , it should be friendly to search engine , friendly in all aspects Metrics, statistics, and reports to assess performance and optimize business , easy to update and easy maintainable .

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Top 13 Proven Methods To Increase Your Blogging Productivity

Proven Methods To Increase Your Blogging Productivity
Most bloggers launch their blogs with a great deal of enthusiasm. A month or two later, there’s a distinct slump in ideas, interest and enthusiasm. All of this tells on the blogger’s productivity. The result? The blog suffers from lack of regular content, regular followup, promotions and networking. 

Here are proven methods to increase your blogging productivity and keep it burning steady.

1. Create A Schedule
Based on your annual blogging goals, make a list of your blogging activities for a month. List the activities you want to accomplish each week. Then create a weekly schedule, with a breakup of tasks for each day. Factor an off day or two into your month’s schedule as you need.

2. Refer To Your Day’s Activity List First Thing In The Morning
When you do this, you’ll know exactly how your day is going to pan out. You’ll be able to factor in the breaks you need and get your personal work done when your day’s schedule is well planned.

3. Prioritize Tasks
Go over the day’s list of tasks and prioritize them based on level of importance. Then focus on doing one thing at a time, till that task gets done. This will help steady your focus and the tasks will get done one by one.

4. Do The Easy Stuff When You’re Feeling Dull
Mid-afternoon after lunch is the time most people feel a little sluggish. Assign easy-to-do and enjoyable tasks such as reading RSS feeds and tweets to the sluggish time of your day.

5. Clean Up Your Desk And Desktop
Clean up your desk, keeping only the things you absolutely need close to hand. Do the same with your computer – clean up your files and folders, organize information neatly, organize your bookmarks in folders and so on.

6. Time Scheduled Activities
If you are on a tight schedule, use a timer to time your work. For example, let’s say you need to upload three posts a day on your blog, at specific times. Using a timer will keep you on your toes and maintain your schedule.

7. Remove Distractions
When you need to focus, you need to focus. Shut off all distractions – such as notification pings from emails, tweets and other updates. Keep your phone off, and turn your immediate environment into a quiet zone.

8. Take Breaks Often
The human brain is not built to sustain continuous focus without breaks for an entire day. Schedule breaks every hour. Walk about, call a friend, make some coffee – just don’t sit in front of your computer. 

9. Drink Plenty Of Water
Water not only hydrates you, but keeps your brain and body working in top gear. Some people forget to drink water when they work and complain of sluggishness and of pain in their arms and legs. Avoid all that.

10. Cut Back On Your Subscriptions
How many RSS feeds or email newsletters can you read in a day? Plus, how much of all that reading is actually going to benefit you? Cut back on your subscriptions and keep only what you want. Set a time during the day for reading them.

11. Use The Right Productivity Tools
Use Buffer to automate your tweets, Netvibes as your feed reader, InstaPaper to save interesting pages, easyComment to automatically fill comment forms and so on. These tools can really save you a lot of time.

12. Discourage Sensory Overload
Our brains have to operate at different frequencies to make sense of street noise, music, lights and the many noises that surround us. Keep the music off when you work, and shut the window to drown out street noise.

13. Don’t Check Stats Too Often
Some bloggers upload a post, wait an hour and then run to check their traffic statistics. This can swiftly turn into a real OCD, eating into valuable time. Check stats once a day, or at the most, twice.

This article is contributed by, a website development company from Dubai that offers professional web designing and SEO services to online businesses in Middle East.

Spirit Malayalam Movie Review

Spirit Malayalam Movie Review From Facebook 

Read all about the general review of the Malayalam film SPIRIT starring Mohanlal and Kaniha from the Facebook users. Do not just read the review from just one person. Get an idea of the film from many.Here is the general review of Malayalam movie spirit 


Kishore Omkar

 Lalettan & Renjith rocks again.  The variety of script is the main thing in this movie and the brilliant performance of laletttan. ( never seen it before ) Dont miss the movie .


Renjith direction
Lalettan's performance
and lot more.....


some scenes in 2nd half
Rate 8/10

feel the taste of 'Spirit'

Arun Raj Kúttù 

SPIRIT MOVIE A typical Renjith film.. Can’t just call it just a film, it’s some sought of call for Social reformation itself, against the alcohol-addicted life style of Malayalis.. Lalettan, as always, no words to describe his 'living' as Reghunandan.. Just awesome! He was sublime with his acting sequences as an alcoholic & dialogue delivery.

 SPIRIT, as a film shows us the pathetic side of persons & families who are being destroyed by the black hands of ALCOHOL. first half contains elements of entertainment & most of the scenes were received with great applause. 2nd half marked the soul of the film & got serious like every Renjith films. RENJITH proved again his power of Pen which will turn as a sword against social evils. Direction was above average. Every addict of liquor, after seeing this film will surely rethink about his/her drunken life. That justifies the victory of this film & turns out be a must watch film for all, especially families. 

I'll give 3.8/5 as a neutral film lover. 

4.5/5 as a lalettan fan.

Navin Ks 

SPIRIT MOVIE TIME: 6.15 AM, I woke up from my bed and I sat in front of my computer as sajeev chettan yesterday told that the spirit trailer will be uploaded. I watched three trailers. Don’t know why I felt to watch the movie FDFS, All of a sudden from 7 15 onwards I was calling sajeev chettan , and started to theatre at nine. I was having no hope whether i will get ticket but thanks to sajeev chettan and Vishnu ( I don’t know him personally ) who arranged a ticket for me ....


Reghunandhan is an ex banker who worked in several nations and chooses Journalism as his next career. But later he quits his job after working in cities for writing an English Novel. Meera his wife leaves him with their child. She married her friend Alexy. 'Show The Spirit' which is a well acclaimed show among public deals with social issues. Reghunandhan dons the role of the interviewer and questions his guest without any fear and points out the mistakes by them.

First half gone like a flyer with some incredible performance by lalettan ,as I can easily declare that he is the only one actor in this nation to act like this .His natural way of acting and mannerisms as an Alcoholic makes the audience sit and watch. His dialogue delivery was absolutely brilliant. His lip sing in the song Ee Chillayil was brilliant. In most of the sequences I felt that we got our old Mohanlal back. After his successful acting in "Beautiful" nandu who proved the crucial point in this movie, Plumber Mani was an excellent portray by renjith. Thilakan also did his role in a natural way according to the script. Legendary actor Madhu as Captain Nambiar also did his role very well. Sidharth Bharathan deserves an applause for his role. As I read the preview someone mentioned the name of Tini tom , yep he deserves some special applause and he did his role very well .....Lena was other surprise package in which she acts brilliantly..... 

The character of sidharth really touches me .Second half should have been some more impressive but this is the only way they can make this movie. I love the way lalettan acted in this movie

I won’t say this movie as the best ever released but from renjith - lal combo. before ending this review i must say this to conclude I will be there at sreekumar theatre for more than five times from today onwards to watch this movie again and again , don’t know why but I love the movie very much .


The reviews published are the sole opinion of the induvidual persons. If you find any of the review here is quite wrong feel free to comment below with the name and reason.


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