Monday, January 31, 2011

Mp 4 media

Welcome to the best way of getting plugged into music, Mp4. Gone are the days of buying the whole album when all you really wanted was one or two songs from the album. Mp4 downloading now allows you choose which songs you want and lets you create your own playlist.
There are many sites out there which will cater to your every need, least if all being iTunes. All genres come in Mp format and the back catalogue is growing by the minute. So if you need the latest sounds or a classic, Mp4 is the way to go. Easy to download from the comfort of your home, no need to travel in the rain or through the traffic anymore to the mall.
There are also many Mp4 players available, they are small sleek and come in many different designs so that there is one to suit everyone’s taste. Many budgets are catered for, from high end like the Apple iPod to more basic models in all shapes and sizes. On the move or just kicking back, Mp4 will blend in to all occasions. Small enough to fit in a pocket and also available in your mobile phone allowing you to share Mp4 files with your family and friends.
Mp4 is not only an audio format but also a video format enabling you to download and watch your favorite video, movie or TV show. Easy to download your favorite You Tube videos and pass them on to your friends. Mp4 format will also interact with your home entertainment equipment making it all more the better for watching and listening with all the benefits of your home system. Create your own video playlist to enjoy as you go. On the bus, train or just passing time Mp4 is the way to go


Corruption can be defined as the act of gaining something in return of bending the law in order for someone to benefit from something they qualify or are entitled for. Corruption is a major problem in almost every country or institutions all over the world.
Many countries and institutions have set up bodies that help fight impunity. But the major question will corruptions ever end? Some say yes others no. In my case I agree with no because corruption just like any other crime will not subside even if the rate of institutions fighting it multiples.
Corruption cases are on the increase with some of them going unreported. How can we help fight this impunity? This topic has been covered on several occasions with the outcome being the same answers. There is no miracle when it comes to ending corruption. The only way this can be done is by individuals say NO to corrupt act starting with them.
You want to end corruption in your line of work, society, school or country? Then the key is to be a corrupt free citizen. Imagine a country or institution where everybody was corrupt free. No one did favors or gave money in return for something; employers used the right system to hire employees and customers were served because it was their right.
Corruption can only end if individuals are well disciplined, by leaders and role models setting good examples which the ordinary man and people who look up to them can follow. Institutions that fight corruption should also be given the chance to undertake the job without government interference and they should also be given the power to prosecute corrupt individuals. 


Most people claim that fashion just like music originated from the African continent. Fashion is a daily topic in almost every part of the world and it is rapidly developing. But this is not the case in Africa.
Yes, there are internationally know fashion designers from Africa with the potential to be ranked amongst the worlds top ranking designers but to some this is just a dream. For fashion designers like Duro Olowu for example, this dream has come true for them. Duro is a Nigerian designer whose breakthrough in the international fashion market was realized in 2004. Duro also advanced in his career in 2005 after the British Fashion Awards named him the newcomer designer of the year.
Regardless to say, there is much potential in fashion from all over African than what meets the eye. Africa is rich in many different cultures and customs, which can be used to develop fashion trends. Fashion designers draw inspiration from such traditional wear and mix it with a bit of the modern wear to make new trends. Its no wonder fashion icons now use African prints and jewelry to develop new trends.
There is no doubt that Africa is talented but why is it still lacking behind when it comes to the fashion industry? Yes, there are fashion designers coming up every time but they never realize their full potential. Africa just like any other part of the world needs to develop their platform in the fashion industry, a platform which can be recognized internationally.
Africans need to come together to help develop the raw talents that they have. This can only be done when they embrace the diverse cultures that the continent has to offer, learn from each other, promote the fashion trends set by African designers and help each other where necessary. Fashion designers from Africa who are internationally recognized can also help upcoming designers by putting them on the map and once in a while borrowing ideas from them.
The fashion industry in Africa can blossom just like in Paris or New York. All that Africa needs is a little help from the industry gurus by recognizing the talent in store then the rest is up to them to make it or not.

Ireland, a wonderland to visit

Ireland steeped in history and flavor. From the mists of time to a modern nation, Ireland has the best to offer anyone visiting. A warm welcome from a vibrant people and a unique look into the past with so many historical places to see and explore in Ireland.
Even the name Ireland sets off the imagination of somewhere to be explored and felt. Be charmed by her people with the music and mystic. First time visitors always comment on a sense of letting Ireland take you on a journey, a journey to a time where romance and mystery were at every turn of the road. Mix in a blend of a young modern nation and you have a great combination of old meeting new.
Ireland holds so many secrets of a past age, from New Grange Abby in Meath, one of the oldest man - made structures in Europe to the naturally created Giants causeway in Antrim which legend holds was built by a giant retreating from Scotland. Ireland can also be discovered not just by the sights but also by the sounds. Blessed with a strong tradition in music and the arts there is more than enough culture to catch the imagination of anyone looking for the Ireland experience.
What awaits the visitor is a wonderland of dreams and charm. With many modes of transport available it is easy to get from place to place. Let the road take you where it will as you delve into the local history, sights and sounds. There are modern interactive and interpretive centers all around Ireland which add to the whole experience. Stand where once Celt warriors stood to place yourself in the Dry-Dock where the Titanic was built.
After a long days exploring, relax as the Irish do themselves, over a cool beer in the local pub while recounting your days events or just listing to the music as it unwinds and sees the night in.

Gibson guitar

Gibson guitars have been making top class guitars since the late 1800s. Since then it has become one of the top guitar manufactures with a global reputation of quality. From early acoustic guitar beginnings it has been a forerunner in the development of the modern electric guitar and effects. Gibson is such a readily well-regarded brand name that many top musicians have put their names to the guitars, such artists as Jeff Beck, Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton.
As easily recognized as the Gibson brand name is it’s branded Les Paul guitars which have as strong a reputation as the Gibson range. Be it acoustic guitar or solid electric guitar the Gibson line has over 200 years of know how and dedication to fine craftsmanship and design. With such a pedigree behind it the Gibson has assured it’s place at the top of the table in guitar manufacturing.
The US based company has also a very vested interest in modern interface technology, teaming up with electronic companies to produce interactive soft ware and cutting edge technology such as the self tuning guitar which will self tune in less than two seconds, now that is a guitar players dream.
The Gibson guitar has become a well established collector item with prices for guitars owned by famous artists fetching vast sums. There are as many web sites selling Gibson collectables as there are collectables. Many live auction houses around the world also place Gibson guitars up for auction. Outlets such as “The hard rock café” are one example of buyers who pay large sums at auction for famous Gibson guitars. Many private collectors have also added to the legend of Gibson guitars and their place in rock and roll history.
Always looking for new innovative ways of improvement the Gibson brand will be forging the way ahead in guitar building and design for a long time to come.

Around the world in 18 holes

With the world becoming more reachable to more people so too is golf. Be you a big handicapper or a par player, there is something to suit you. Plan your holiday around your golf game, you can travel to as many destinations as your imagination will allow. Golf has such a large following, be it from the latest PGA event to an individual round, the course of your dreams is well within your reach.
Today as the global village takes shape so too do the golf courses that surround the village. From windy links to tropical fairways it is but a drive away. So many packages exist to caterer for every golf trip, be it groups, clubs or independent golfers, it is all out there.
Online agents offer all manner of packages to suit all pockets without letting you stuck in the bunker. All in packages will include transport to and from the airport on arrival and departure respectively. Accommodation and green fees for the golf course or courses will also be included. Pick up at your hotel to transport you to the golf club and local caddies supplied to give an insight into local conditions and hazards.
Taylor made deals also exist to cater for the individual needs of the golfer. Design your own schedule to meet your own needs. All standards of golf courses are out there, from the feel good wide fairway course to the most challenging of designs.
Many golf magazines also contain adverts for the get away golf tours with guides to the better operators in the field. Research has shown that golfers who travel abroad on golfing holidays become repeat clients and broaden their golfing experiences.
From the serious golfer to the social player, the course awaits. Take off and tee off anywhere on the planet, it all awaits. From runways to fairways, all in golfing holidays.

How to create an online store

       You should already
know that the internet moves billions of dollars, should also know that Big Business are on the network. Probably, you would like to create something for not getting out of this and you don’t know how to do it, right?

Having a virtual store is the cheaper and faster way  to achieve a prosperous business.
To create an online store you must sell your products and having your own business. This is a great opportunity that only  internet can offer.
First, you must have products to sell in your virtual shop. Look for products that you have an affinity, there are a crowd of possibilities around the world to sell - good products.
Then, create a website and find one that supports everything needed for the smooth running of your online store. Remember, your website is your business card.

Have support to accept credit card - Paypal would be interesting because it is the safest way to trade online, today.
Open a customer service for your clients and lastly, find a way to ship your products – if you are selling tangible products. Be honest, creative and everything will be allright! 

Acai Berry Weight Loss – What is the secret behind Acai berry weight loss?

Article Summary

This article is aimed at enriching you with numerous secrets that are acting positively to the popularization of the acai berry today. Most other weight loss products will have no undoubted benefits expect a well planned marketing plan. Take time and read on and you will never use other weight loss products again.

Main and Related Keywords: Acai weight loss, loss weight using acai berry, losing weight using acai berry, benefits of acai in losing weight, acai berry weight loss

Are you among the millions of people who have tried hundreds of weight loss solutions to no avail? Acai berry weight loss is the right solution for you now! Many manufacturers of weight loss products have come up with very catchy marketing pitches that will entice you to buy their products hoping to witness the magic promise-but what a disappointment that will glare at you after months of repeated usage. The acai berry cures obesity due to its low fat content and the ability to improve digestion. Due to its fiber content the acai berry is able to keep you full from starving hence lessen your food consumption leading to weight loss.

The secrets behind the success story of the acai berry are many and will make you want all your overweight friends use them. Among the many secrets of these products are;

The Acai Berry is Natural!
The acai berry products are natural with minimal addictives added thus it is easy to use by most of the people. The acai or aqai berry holds its origin from the Amazon area in South America specifically in Brazil. The berries are small rounded black-purple and dark purple or green when ripe; the colors depend on the genes of the berry, and resemble the common grapes with the diameter of about 25 millimeters.  

It has many functions
In addition to being a weight loss product the acai berry comes with many other dietary benefits that rejuvenate your body. From the berries to the stem or pulp and to the leaves all are consumed at different time by different people. The acai berry is viewed as a super food for it contains many of the needed nutrients; in fact it comes as a balanced diet in one. The acai berry contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, E and A, it also has or flash the makers of the numerous minerals essential to the body as calcium, potassium and iron.

It’s Very cheap
When compared to other weight loss products the acai berry weight loss is relatively very cheap thus majority of the population can afford it. Most of the competing products are very expensive and require repeated usage over a long period of time. Also different species of the acai berry can be found in different parts of the world hence it is slowly becoming the modern and global weight loss solution.

No Side Effects
Unlike other weight loss products the acai berry weight loss rarely has side effects especially if well used. There acai berries can be included in most of the foods and drinks we take everyday hence no risk is faced. It does also consist of any addiction especially if consume with no addictive compounds as those that contain caffeine.

No Restrictions in how long you use it
Due to its food and medicinal nature combined together, and lack of any side effects the acai berry can be use for as long as one wants contrary to other weight loss product we find in the market today. Also anyone can follow it with minimal supervision by the medical specialist.

To be honest the acai berry weight loss has proved itself to be the solution to the weight management in the today’s world where overweight has been proved to be a health risk; obesity causes ailments as cardiac complications among others.

Know the Danger of Coffee Enemas Procedures

To know the danger of coffee enemas procedures consider the risk in being tempted to include other substances that do not increase its effectiveness than the chemical solutions as vinegar and minerals. Its nature of not being controlled is also a risk for the addictives added by different individuals could affect them for the there is not investigation done on their body reaction towards them. The uncontrolled use caffeine due to the pleasure derived from it many leading to addiction making the user being unable to stop using it or be unable to do without it. This could eventually add up to the up on the individual or family budget. Also there is the risk of using the wrong coffee thus inducing raw addictives directly into the body. The containers used to boil the coffee could be of low quality material making it be induced into the coffee then into the body causing blood poisoning which can be fatal in some cases.

Despite the rectal catheter being used in all enema procedures; the ease and the cheapness of the coffee enema makes it be abused. Some do it so frequently thus turning it to a hobby or a relaxation activity eventually ending up as sexual activity. The reusing of the fountain syringe bag or the enema bag and the rectal catheter could lead to infections due to contamination by the bacteria in the body if not well cleaned and stored. Also the fermentation process in the bag when poorly cleaned may attract harmful bacteria which would then be introduced into the body. The tearing or injuring of the rectum by the catheter and the internal burning of the rectum is evident in many coffee enema users. On top the internal injuries the hot coffee poses a risk to the enema user and any other person around; can spill and cause serious burns.

Lack of interest to know the danger of coffee enemas procedures may result to dehydration of the body leading to a series of complications as headaches, dizziness, loss of appetite, nausea and emotional imbalances or mood swings. The abuse of the process can also result to body functioning imbalances as that of electrolyte, microorganisms and enzymes resulting to poor food absorption. Continuous enema practice will wipe out the beneficial digestion bacteria that assist in food breakdown before absorption. The insertion of any item into the body many times reduces the sensitivity of the area thus the functioning is slowly depleted. The rectal speculum insertion and removal in the anus could make it lose is sensitivity thus the stool comes out without the connection of the body part with the brain.

When you know the danger of the coffee enemas procedures you will understand that it is not any more than the other enemas when it comes to eradication of cancerous cells and does not clean all the digestive system. The coffee is also dangerous to pregnant women and toddlers and could lead to devastating results as miscarriage or early births. 

Fleet enema

This is specifically used for healing constipation and cleansing the bowel by using salt to pull water of fluids from the body and directing them to the bowel thus softening the stool for easy excretion. Mostly it is performed before certain operations which may be near the excretory system. The doctor will not recommend the procedure especially if you have one of the following; kidney problems, blocked excretory, cardiac complications, excess deposits of phosphate in your circulatory system, pregnant or planning to in the near future, suckling mothers, toddlers under two years, allergic to any of the fleet enema solution component, under any prescription or herb treatment or if under any dietary medication.

Before using the fleet enema you must consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions on the label. When you are using it, peel the cover carefully not to ruin it. Then insert the rectal tip gently with side to side motions to avoid tearing your anus. For more and easy penetration take squatting position which relaxes your rectal muscles. Next squeeze the enema bottle till all fluid is gone into your body and maintain the position for some minutes till you feel like ejecting the contents in your bowel. It is strongly recommended that you do not use more than one bottle of the enema per hour for it would result in overdose. In case you suspect that you have overdosed yourself consult your doctor or rush to the hospital to avoid complications later.

Like any other medicine; fleet enema has mild side effects may be expected but if any of the following persist or become severe you should seek medical help; severe irritation of the anal area, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, dizziness, general body weakness, excess gas generation or painful stomach cramps is both sexes. The ladies should be able to differentiate enema cramps from their normal menstrual cramps. Other precautions that could lead to the ceasing using the fleet enema are the noticing of blood spots oozing from your fecal waste. Also if you become expectant or you start breast feeding you should stop using it immediately for the benefits may be surpassed by the risks. The enema dose should never be used by any other person than the one prescribe to by the doctor, also make sure you complete your dosage and if you miss any you should discuss it with your medical personnel.

The fleet enema is a drug or medicine like any other thus it should be kept in the right temperature and conditions as in dry places at room temperature, safely locked so that children and pests will not reach it. Pests and vermin may contaminate the medicine or deposit dangerous toxins which would turn it to a lethal compound. If you suspect that your enema has been tempered with at purchase or during storage avoid using it at all costs. It is also advisable to consult your doctor on the safe interaction with other food and medical substances to avoid accidental complications which could be expensive to sort.

Coffee enema

Coffee enema is very beneficial to the body for it enhances the removal of toxins by both the liver and the gallbladder thus making your body very healthy. The recommended type of coffee is the natural or organic caffeinated coffee which has minimal or no chemical addictives which could hamper the detoxification function. In the preparation of the coffee enema utensils made of aluminum and Teflon should be avoided for they get inseminated into the coffee during the preparation. To some extent even stainless steel should also be avoid for it has the same short coming of being deposited in our body through foods prepared in them. So the best options would be enamel or porcelain pots. In this enema process the caffeine is directly injected into the liver thus avoiding the normal digestion process. Once in the liver it is absorbed into the blood stream thus toxins in it follow suit.

The advantages of the coffee enema in addition to those mentioned above are that; it increases alertness for those who want to remain awake at night, increases vigor and libido, increase red cell production hence oxygen absorption is increased and doubles the bile duct operation by opening them up. So in short it increases the body functioning thus it is not recommend to persons who need a good night sleep.

 The process of the coffee enema is similar to any other enema only differing in that coffee composes the solution. In fact the only two ingredients are; ground coffee and purified or distilled water. The enema bag is also required so that is can hold the solution as it is introduced to the body through the rectum. Other equipment as pillows, plastic sheets and the toilet are used just like in other enema procedures. The quantity of coffee versus the water used is mostly dependant on the person and the past experience but first timers are advised to use about two spoons of coffee to a liter of water or quart.

The effectiveness of this enema can be hampered by several factors as; excess dehydration leading to severe headaches, inducement of toxic compounds as aluminum and Teflon into the system thus adding more toxins while trying to remove others; solving a problem by creating another. The absorption of metals into your blood stream is fatal and result in problems as liver and heart failure. Another advantage of this enema is that on top of the physical cleansing of the body it immensely contribute to the spiritual health where emotions as anger, anxiety and others are controlled. So it brings about physical health which in turn leads to mental health and relaxed internal being increasing even the personal output.

The frequent oral consumption of coffee can also aid in detoxification of our bodies. As in the coffee enema, the quantity and the concentration matters and greatly affect the effects; the more and the higher the concentration the better. But factors as personal health, occupation and the individual effects of coffee should be considered when choosing the amount to use.

Barium enema

Barium enema or lower gastro intestinal examination is a procedure that involves the use of barium sulfate to enable the X-ray diagnosis of colon cancer, bowel diseases and their development, determine the shape, size and structure of the large intestine and detect ulcers. The solution improves the clarity of the examination; when the x-ray is taken the colon appears as milky track on the micro film whereas the defective parts are black. The process can be done in two ways; the colon is filled with the non absorbed chalky barium solution and the x-ray taken also called as single contrast study, and the other one is where the colon is filled with the solution then emptied before the x-ray or the double or air contrast study. The choice on which one to be taken is dependant on the susceptibility of the patient to the barium solution. The barium solution is made to fill the colon up to the caecum through movements in different directions, being given an injection to relax you intestinal muscles and through passing some air through the colon to make the barium touch the colon surfaces.

Before the procedure the doctor must determine its safety on the patient depending on; whether one is pregnant for x-rays; are not recommended for expectant mothers, if you have insulin dependant diabetes, your allergy to different materials as latex which is used to manufacturer surgical gloves, any allergy to barium composition and if you have had an upper gastrointestinal examination recently. Also you should keep to the instructions of the doctor prior to the procedure as diet and directions on eliminating stool in the colon before the examination.

If the above is followed there is minimal risks in the examination; only the possibility of blocking the colon path due to the residues of the barium solution if it is not well cleaned. The low x-ray radiation is not much of a risk except to children and the expectant women. Just like any other procedure there are minor side effects as stomach discomfort, nausea, dizziness due to colon muscles’ relaxing injections administered to you hence you should not handle any machine immediately, minor constipation which can be healed by taking a lot of fluids and consuming fresh fruits. Other rare but serious complications that calls for medical attention immediately are; blood on your stool due to injury on the colon after the barium enema and complications due to the effects of the administered injection.

Despite barium enema requiring few days of preparation it is very simple taking less than one hour after which you are free to go home; it is more of an out patient procedure than an in patient one. You should report to your doctor any side effects experienced during your follow up therapy as those outlined above no matter how minor they maybe. 

Today this enema therapy is slowly being phased out by more sophisticated procedures as the colonoscopy which is very easy to perform but some special cases require its undertaking due to lack available professionals and equipment in many places.

Acne Treatment with Oral Antibiotics

Any antibiotic drug used to treat acne should have the following basic qualities; significantly reduce the bacterial population, eliminate the effects of the white cell secretions that cause irritation and effectively aid in the recovery of the affected skin areas. Acne treatment with oral antibiotics can be very effective if well managed and the right drug chosen. Most of the antibiotics in the market contain one or more functions as mentioned above depending on the sex, age and extent of the severity. In most cases antibiotics are less effective in absorption if used with foods and many coagulants as milk thus should be taken on an empty stomach with total avoidance of all coagulating substances.

In any action there is a reaction; almost all antibiotics come with mild to severe side effects depending on the way of usage. The most notable side effects are; dizziness, stomach upset, nausea, itching, skin spotting and in children cases of teeth coloration has been reported in prolonged use. So acne treatment with oral antibiotics should not in anytime be self prescribed for the repercussions can be sometimes very serious. There are other sporadic side effects that can be detected in female as vaginal yeasting which could be very uncomfortable and result to uncontrolled oozing of the vaginal fluid. Also the effectiveness of the contraceptives is drastically reduced leading to unplanned conceptions if used for a long time. Other rare side effects that can be serious in some rare cases are; the extensive rashes, headaches, blur vision and in some cases antibiotic induced conditions as hepatitis can be witnessed. You should avoid the interaction of other drugs with antibiotics without proper medical consultation.

There several certified antibiotics in the market which can be used in acne treatment with oral antibiotics. The most commonly used is the tetracycline which greatly reduces the acne on the skin and taken two times a day with amount being gradually reduced over time. The disadvantage of this drug is that it must be taken on an empty stomach thus not suitable for children, teenagers and manual laborers. Another antibiotic used erythromycin which has some advantages over the above for it can be used by expectant mothers and adequately reduces the discoloring of the acne affected areas. Minocycline is another drug used in acne treatment with oral antibiotics. Its advantage is that its absorption in the body is not significantly reduced by food consumption thus suitable to the groups that need frequent eating. Other antibiotics are doxycycline and clindamycin which are almost the same with the above.

The choice of any antibiotic in acne control should be carefully considered along the following factors; the age, the extent and the degree of its spread, sex, sexual activeness, occupation, health status and the condition as expectant or not. In some cases the combination of oral medication and skin applications is recommended to make the healing process faster. The antibiotics cleanse the inside whereas the skin applications help to eliminate the scars resulting from the acne infection.

5 Types Fees Payable in Cheapest Home Loans

In addition to the interest rates, there are other regular fees and costs that accompany it. These regular fees and establishment costs will definitely determine the eventual amount you pay for your cheapest home loans. All these charges are accounted for by the annualized average percentage rate (AAPR), or the comparison rate to assist in comparing the different loans on offer. The first type of fee that you should be aware of is the application fee, which is asked by some lenders as upfront establishment fee. In some quarters this is called the commitment fees which eliminate jokers from wasting the lenders time. After the payment of the application fee the bank or the lender commences with the cheapest home loans processing.
The second type of fee is the valuation fee; this is charge for the cost of ascertaining the real value of the property that you are offering as collateral against the amount you request. If you have doubts whether the property will have the expected value, you should request a check before hand for you will have to foot the valuation fee even if the cheapest home loan is not approved.
In case you plan to clear or refinance the loan earlier than the fixed period, you should check on the exit penalties charged. Most of the cheapest home loans do not charge payout penalties but rather charge only the normal discharge expenses. The discharge costs or the deferred establishment fees or the early settlement fees are charged as a flat rate; either a few months’ interest or a percentage of the principle amount.
Another fee that comes with the cheapest home loans is the lender’s mortgage insurance. Fortunately, this does not affect all the cheapest home loans but only those that exceed eighty percent of the value of the house. Sadly, this insurance fee does not cover the home owner but rather the lender in case you default payment and your home is sold for a lesser amount than that you owe the lender or the balance.
Lastly there is the break cost; this is charged to recover all the interest that the lender could have received if you paid the cheapest home loan to the agreed period rather than early settlement. In this case the interest rate charge is very high compared to what you could have paid in the prescribed period. So before settling for any of the cheapest home loans do enlighten yourself with the fees that will apply to your borrowing

5 Tips on Cheap Home Equity Loans

Home equity loans are cash advancements that are made with your home as the collateral. These loans come in handy to cater for debt consolidation, home repairs, medical bills, college tuition and many other pressing expenses. The advantages of the cheap home equity loans are that you get to use your property while servicing the loan; however if you default the lender has the lien to the home, or can attach it for foreclosure. Another advantage is that the loans are tax deductable and come with lower interest rates than other consumer loans; your home is the security. Cheap home equity loans should have above elements.
The first tip on accessing the cheap home equity loans is to compare the interest rates charged; cheap home equity loans have two types of  interest rates; fixed and adjustable interest rate. So when choosing the provider and the loan, be very careful to decide on the interest rate type you want. Depending on your situation and the type of home equity loan you take, negotiate for the monthly repayments and the repayment period which will not stress to you.
You can avoid some of the numerous charges as application and appraisal fees by proving that your credit record is superb. This will also enable you to pay minimal recording and annual fees which many be higher for people with errant credit history. For a lot of information is available today, you can still minimize on the charges by eliminating the proxies or brokers; with the information available you can access the home equity loan through the DIY-‘do it you self ‘action. This will deter the lender from tacking in the broker’s commission in your charges.
Before opting for any of the home equity loans available, try and understand the tax implications involved in the borrowing. Most home equity loans are tax deductable but it is advisable that you seek financial guidance before choosing any. When filing your taxes you need to indicate what you are paying on the equity loan so as it can be deducted.
The other tip is that you must understand what is at risk; your home! Always avoid using cheap home equity loans to payoff credit card debts or a short term bills for the risk is too much over the value of the loan. Also you should always keep headroom in your equity. If you are still paying for the mortgage, and still want a cheap home equity loan, first try to combine the repayments and see whether the value exceeds eighty percent of home value. This makes you have or reserve of twenty percent of the home to yourself.

Hunger in Kenya

Kitui, a county in eastern Kenya, a village is astonished by the revelations that a family of 6 has perished after consuming the carcass of a dog which had been buried three days earlier. “Last week we ate, this week we have no food,” says another villager. A village elder who also is believed to be the rain god says, “The spirits are punishing us for our mistakes, if it doesn’t rain soon we will all die”.
Rural areas are the food baskets in Kenya, if they experience a dry spell it means that there will be a food crisis in the whole country. Mother nature has been blamed as the major cause of hunger due to drought, but critics have a different opinion, food shortages in Kenya are artificially created. Catastrophes like drought, floods and low rainfalls should not lead to hunger since Kenya produces enough food which can sustain all its citizens, and food reserves in the National Cereals and Produce Board are supposed to sustain citizens until the next rainy season.
Fingers are being pointed at the government, is it justifiable to blame them while they don’t cause rains? Well, the government is responsible for planning to manage food shortages, educate farmers on efficient agricultural methods, researching and producing hybrid seeds that can withstand harsh conditions, provide seeds and fertilizers to farmers at low prices and also preserve the farm produce. Importantly to conserve the environment, trees, as they attract rainfall.
Forest lands sold illegally by government officials to private developers lead to deforestation hence low rainfall. Food stores are been used by ministers as a milking cow since they ‘steal’ a lot of produce and sell to middle men who sell it to citizens at high prices. Produce from farmers are not bought by processing firms run by the government since they lack funds not only to manage the firms but also buy raw materials. The farmers sell their produce to middle men at a throw away price to avoid the produces rotting in their farms and stores, funny enough the middle men represent the politicians. Seeds that cannot withstand harsh climatic conditions and fertilizers are sold to farmers at higher prices, hence most farmers have no farm inputs to produce crops. Increase in food prices by the government also denies a lot of people daily meal sine they cannot afford it. Collapsing of processing farms like Kenya Meat commission and Kenya Cooperative Creameries lead to food shortages as food produced will not sustain the increasing demand with increase in population and also unprocessed produce is very perishable.
It’s a pity for a country with good climatic conditions and agriculture as the main economic activity like Kenya to depend on foreign aid from international non-governmental organizations to feed its citizens. A government that cannot feed its people is a failed on since it’s not providing a basic need therefore, no economic development can occur with empty bellies.

Find jobs on twitter

Twitter is quite popular. One of the benefits of twitter is finding jobs on twitter.
You can find jobs on twitter easily. You can find jobs on twitter in various fields.

How to find jobs on twitter?
  • Make your twitter page look attractive to find jobs on twitter.

  • To find jobs on twitter, select a professional look. Paste a good looking photo to find jobs on twitter.

  • Mention your expertise in few words to find jobs on tweeter.

  • You can also tweet about it to find jobs on twitter.

  • Create a link on twitter to your CV to find jobs on twitter.

  • Present your skills correctly, when you find jobs on twitter.

  • Many recruiters use twitter to find candidates. You can use this information to find jobs on twitter. You can collect details on the recruiter like their profile, credibility etc. when you find jobs on twitter.

  • If you want to find jobs on twitter, use #rtjobs and you will find ample opportunities.

  • To know more about twitter, visit, register yourself and follow people who you feel are interesting and find jobs on twitter by following recruiters and keep yourself updated to find jobs on twitter.

  • You can also use twitter search to find jobs on twitter. Whereas, twitter search is the not specific search engine, twitter job search is designed to find jobs on twitter.

  • You can simply type job related word on twitter to find jobs on twitter.

  • You can even use Twitter job finder to find jobs on twitter.

Go to and findjobsonline to find jobs on twitter.  You will find jobs on twitter ranging from freelance writers to bookkeepers. This list gets updated and you can find jobs on twitter in real time. In addition to find jobs on twitter, you can get tips on find jobs on twitter, tips for interview, preparing a resume to find jobs on twitter, questions commonly asked at interviews etc,. You can make use of job boards to find jobs on twitter. It is easy to find jobs on twitter of certain category such as freelance jobs. These are online jobs and you will find jobs on twitter only. Recuiters put their jobs and you find jobs on twitter instantly.

If you find jobs on twitter in the correctly, you will soon find job on twitter.
Thus, it is easy to find jobs on twitter. Find jobs on twitter in a jiffy and live happily.

Losing weight fast

Losing weight fast cannot be an easy activity, but believe,  with persistence, it will be funny.

The first thing to do when thinking about losing weight fast is to be aware that there are no miracles, but results, and they depend on you.

Thus, the steps to achieve the long awaited shape and lose weight fast are:

1. Keep in mind what makes you think about wanting to lose weight – why do you need and how much are you willing to achieve the goal?

2. Be persistent, the first step,(already learned) helps in this very second, so keep in mind how important it is for you to lose weight, then, be persistent.

3. Let's practice! And to start losing weight fast you must determine how much you eat daily calorie. Weight loss is nothing more than to spend more calories than you eat. So inevitably, you need to keep in mind the calorie and eat the food daily. To be successful in this step, start to write down everything you consume in your day-to-day: drinks, snacks, lunch, dinner, everything! And then, look at sites (there are many good sites on the Internet that can help you find the calories in the diets) as you basically are taking now in order to make your eating habits.

4. To lose weight fast you must choose the best food- healthy - and that are within a smaller amount of calories than you were accustomed to eating.

5. Stay away from unhealthy foods such as fried, fast foods and candies.

6. Plan your food - to lose weight fast, this is really a good bet. The steps above are explained to make you aware of what you need to eat.

7. Finally, be sure to drink plenty of water to help your metabolism, and above all, be patient and persistent, because this is the key to success!

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