Monday, January 31, 2011

ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE - the same experience, but no cancer risk

This revolutionary invention is a different kind of cigarette that offers the same "pleasures" as the conventional cigarettes, but, as manufacturers claim, is not as harmful. The first electronic cigarette was invented by a Chinese manufacturer and commercialized a few years ago. Over time, the product became very popular and in some countries it can even be found in pharmacies. Manufacturing company claims that this item has two objectives: to turn into a substitute for tobacco and try to help those who want to quit smoking.
However, until now no scientific data to show the efficacy of this product as a method of reducing cigarette consumption was revealed. Quitting smoking is not easy, and the failure rate is really high for most of the persons who attempt to do it. Electronic cigarettes come as an alternative to nicotine replacement therapies, antidepressants and different psychological techniques.
How do e-cigarettes work?
Basically, electronic cigarettes are devices that release nicotine when inhaled. These modern cigarettes were created to reproduce the actual smoking experience. The advantage is that they have a capsule filter with pure liquid nicotine and no chemicals at all. In addition to this they run on batteries and there are no toxins generated by burning. Nicotine addiction can still occur in the case of electronic cigarettes, but the risk of cancer is almost null, because of the fact that they contain no harmful substances like conventional cigarettes do.

Each e-cigarette pack contains 18 milligrams of nicotine, distributed in five capsules, the equivalent of two packages of conventional cigarettes. There are voices that question the safety of the product, by arguing that smokers inhale more nicotine by this method. But the Chinese company representatives say their products have a warning system for those who consume this product, allowing them to control how much nicotine they want to inhaled. When the user reaches a level of nicotine similar to the one of a real cigarette, after approximately 15 inhalations, a red LED flashes. The same thing happens if the consumer inhales excessively. Smoke is still produced by electronic cigarettes, but it is not a toxic one because it is created by water vapor. This makes the new types of cigarettes not harmful to the health of those around the smoker, which are no longer passive smokers.

One way to quit
For those who want to quit smoking e-cigarettes are available in packages with different levels of nicotine (high, medium, low and no nicotine), which must progressively be changed. Manufacturers claim that these cigarettes are designed after a smoking cessation plan, which will substitute the nicotine therapy recommended by World Health Organization. E-cigarettes are already being sold in stores in China, Australia, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Turkey and Portugal, and soon they will be introduced in the Spanish and American market. The product is already certified by the European Commission. A package containing five capsules and an electronic cigarette with nicotine is evaluated at a price of around $100.


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