Almost each of use has own car and do almost everything with it. Unfortunately in the past 2-3 years the price of the petrol increased many times so more and more people trying to decrease the fuel expense. Here are a few tips how to do it: Decrease the weight of the car. You don’t have to care too much things because the weight of the vehicle directly affects to the fuel consumption. Decrease the time when the air condition or heating are turn on. Of course only when it is possible. Most of the people almost never keep the speed limits in the cities and outside but this will guarantee you remarkable fuel economy. Another rule is that the unnecessary accelerated significantly raise fuel consumption and it can be proved if you display the provisional cost of 100 kilometers. You have to change the car oil regularly. No need to accelerate sharply, and then suddenly stop. Sporting ambitions in the city are absolutely unnecessary. Pure oil is prerequisite for optimum engine running. When you are driving choose only the nice roads. Of course the best advice is to use your car less – possible combine your journey with friends or share the transport with your colleagues. Inflate your car tires well because their pressure is an extremely important component in the total consumption. They are made of different layers which rub each other, emit heat and spent energy. So you have to check the air pressure regular. When you are in jam or just stop for a little, turn off the motor because in another case it works for nothing and only pent fuel and pollutes the environment. This is particularly important in an increasingly busy traffic of large cities but still we don’t have this habit. And the last advice is to fill your reservoir in the morning when it is cooler, the fuel reduces its volume and we can save up to half a litter, if you fill the whole tank.
Of course the science is developing very fast so it won’t be a surprise if very soon we hear for new generation cars which use water or something like this. In any case we definitely have to decrease the fuel consumption and mostly the environment pollution. We are witnesses how the pollution destroy the earth and we have definitely to decrease the fuel consumption and car using.