Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Keys to Prosperity

We always wish life would grant us some things. Mostly, these things come to us with challenging situations and require us to work very hard to achieve them. Wealth, prosperity and success are some of those things that are required to achieve a more comfortable and beautiful life. Everyone is waiting for their big breakthrough.
Different people have different takes on prosperity and how it can be achieved. Some people deem it important and hard to achieve while some think it’s not that hard to achieve and prosperity is not always about money. Many people say that a person might not find out that he was prosperous till he loses everything and some see friends and relationships as wealth rather than money.
We live in a material world and many people only see money as a form of wealth and a comfortable life as prosperity. This is true to some extent because we need money to have a comfortable life. The views we have are influenced by our experiences or view point of others. If you feel like you are trapped in a wrong lifestyle or you are victim or circumstances you can choose to start changing your life.
Most of the life changing moments are about insight. Our insight may result in contentment and prosperity because it’s about uncovering a secret to such life. Life is complex and has many hidden secrets to success in it. These secrets can make life simpler and more desirable to you and to discover these secrets you need insight.
Giving and receiving is one little but common insight, yet many people tend to fail to grasp this concept. Giving is an important key of prosperity because it’s a vital element of prosperity but many people completely disregard the idea of giving. Some people stay confused in the definition or parameters of the process of giving. People fail to realize that what they have was given to them by God and actually everything belongs to God. They often deem it’s what they have earned and it belongs to them. Prosperity is a blessing and it is earned by making God happy and opening the door of blessings.
Being grateful for what you have is the second important key to prosperity. You must have an attitude of gratitude so that your thankful focus stays on the giver, which is of course God, the Almighty. Gratitude means you recognize, realize, and are thankful for what you have been blessed with. There are people who complain about what they don’t have because their focus remains on what they lack. It’s difficult to recognize what you have because make it simpler by choosing which thought will you entertain, lacking or having?
Keywords: prosperity, wealth, success, gratitude, giving, experiences.


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