Monday, February 28, 2011

Is Anger Your Boss?

Everyone gets angry. It’s an emotion that can be observed even in children. People lose their cool, their composure; they blow off and say things that they later regret. Children manifest their anger naturally and they observe the reaction of their actions. They see how their behavior impacts those around them, how their parents respond to a certain kind of behaviour and learn it to their benefit.
Anger is a strong emotion. Many people find it challenging to deal with these strong feelings and the person who is angry. Angry feelings can often stem from a feeling of injustice, frustration, abuse, mistrust, and jealousy, being neglected, ignored or victimized. These feelings could be based on a real or imagined basis. Angry people tend to not fit in the crowd. They are opposed to what others do and think like. Some of them go to the extremes to avoid participation.
Oftentimes people express their anger in a way that serves no purpose. Some people just explode every time they are faced with an argument, problem, or disturbance, while, some people hold it inside like a smolder. Some people are ready to strike any time as if waiting for the time while others get closed within themselves. One might be a boss who fumes everything something goes wrong in his office and the other a wife who goes quiet when angry with her husband. They both are expressing their anger, one yelling and the other cutting off totally but this is not resolving the issue.
Some people are just too timid or lack in courage to express their anger. There might be an employee who works hard but needs a raise. He might be afraid of his strict boss’ temperament and never voice his thoughts and keep bottling them up inside building them into anger.
Gently expressing our feelings is healthier than holding it inside or shouting at someone. If there’s someone who is making you angry, just anyone, go to that person and tell him what’s bothering you. Tell them gently, everything that you imagined to tell them. If we calmly assert ourselves and stand up for ourselves amazing things can happen. Such people need to build some courage for that.
If your anger is whirling out of control then you must pay attention to this. This will get you in trouble because you might be hurting or misbehaving with people. This will make people hate you, avoid you and you might end up alone. If you seem to fail at working on your anger, attend anger management workshops or seek help from a professional.
Whether you are the one who blows the roof off while being angry or the one who bottles it up inside, don’t let anger become your boss. Take control of it.
Keywords: anger, anger management, problem, bottle it up inside, express, boss.

Influence Of TV

The commercial television (TV) broadcasting started in 1920 and since then it has played an essential role in the society. In general, a person spends around twenty five percent of the days in front of the television. The influence of television can be noticed in many different aspects of people’s life. The general belief is that this influence is dramatic but there is a dispute about the effects and how far the influence of the television has reached in the society. Same as a coin has two sides there are both positive and negative effects from the influence of television.

The positive effects of influence of television are the educational advantages. People can learn about diverse things, from different areas like far away countries, traditions and cultures. They can learn and understand many things about the nature, our planet or about the universe. Television can increase the knowledge about animals, insects and plants and how they function. Television also gets people together, members of the family or friends gather and spend quality time. Parents and children can talk about television programs that were educational and what they have learnt from them. Historical programs can also help both children and adults to learn more and find about old cultures.

Here we come to a point where we need to discuss the negative effects due to the influence of television. People don’t really think about this when they watch TV because they take it as a time pass and most of them are not really aware of the negative effects. Television causes violence, makes people fat, stupid, passive, materialistic and the list grows longer and longer. Spending time in front of the television make us lazy and to abandon activities like exercising or reading a book. The influence of television has ruined the relationship within the families, and we don’t spend our time talking to the family members or our partners or our friends. Children that spend too much time in front of the television do not have the time to play and spend time outside in nature and socialise with other children.

They start identify themselves with super heroes and television characters. Children that spend excessive time in watching television are inclined to be affected by attention deficit disorders and eyesight problems. The influence of television can reach up to levels where children are exposed to a wide variety of programs, and are influenced by television advertisements. Commercials about fuzzy drinks that will make them cool if they drink, or fast food build bad habits and influence their health, as well as their behaviour because of the attractively presented contents. The influence of the television has a long lasting impact on one's mind. Television is a way of entertainment but its excessive use is harmful to one's physical and mental health. You should tend to have balance on everything in life.

How To Donate To Charity

There are many charity organisations that need help and donations constantly. Doing or giving things for charity is good for the people that need your help and is also good for you. Helping people is the most profound deed if it is done from the bottom of the heart without any back thoughts and intentions. We should all donate to charity in coordination with our possibilities. Charity does not mean giving money alone. The deed of donating to charity can also include food, clothes, toys or even services like teaching, tuition, psychological help etc.

There are many possibilities to choose if you decide on donating to charities. Many organisations are collecting donations for different purposes, so you might become a member in one of those organisations. If you don’t have the time to get involved up to this extend in working and donating  to charities, you can do smaller things but with great value.
Give a visit to the local orphanage. They always need help and donations. You can talk with the management and ask them what they need, and coordinate that with your possibilities to donate things for charity. You can collect all clothes that you and your family don’t need any more and donate to the children from the orphanage. You can donate to charity all the toys, teddy bears or video games from you children to other kids who needs them. You can also donate to charity all the old furniture from your kid’s rooms and other items from your home that you don’t use anymore. If you have friends or family members that are struggling you can offer them these clothes, toys and your old furniture and make a donation in this way.

Keep in mind that no matter what and to whom you are donating, all the things should be clean and usable. Another way of donation to charity that you can do is to offer your services to institutions and organisations that do charity work. For example if you have some talent like painting or making wooden or clay jewelleries, offer to the local orphanage or to pass your knowledge and teach the kids learn how to paint or make jewelleries. If you are math or language teacher or you teach any other subject in a school, you can give free tuition classes to the kids that have a problem with that specific subject.

For Christmas of Easter you can organise potlatch, cook many delicious types of food, pastries and cakes and surprise the kids from the orphanage or the old people from the old-age home in your town. Donating for charity has nothing to do with the value of the things or services in money, but rather with the value and the appreciation of the people who need your help.  

High Blood Pressure In Youngsters

High blood pressure or hypertension is far more common among adults, but still the high blood pressure rate among kids these days is on the rise. Many experts believe that the trend of high blood pressure in youngsters in connected to the increased obesity in children. Many children and teenagers that have high blood pressure problem do not suffer from other health problems, but they either have a family history of hypertension or an unhealthy habits and lifestyle. Bad eating habits, overweight and very less physical activity are some of major the causes for high blood pressure in youngsters.

When a person suffers from high blood pressure, the heart and arteries have much more work to do than normal. If this condition continues for a longer period of time, the heart and the arteries will no longer work properly as they should. This can also cause some other organs that are dependant on receiving blood, like kidneys and the brain to be concerned and affected. High blood pressure in youngsters is estimated on three percent, a number that grows every year and it’s becoming a great concern and alarming condition for the generations to come. As kids grow older their blood pressure from around 70-90 which is taken as a systolic pressure increases gradually. High blood pressure in youngsters is diagnosed if the blood pressure is higher than the 95th percentile for their height, gender and age.

The causes for high blood pressure in youngsters vary depending on their age. If the child is younger than it is more likely to be a result of some illness. The high blood pressure among the school kids and teenagers is usually a result of an overweight problem, hormonal disorder, kidney problem and some other abnormalities. The usage of medications like steroids or contraceptives as well as consumption of drugs and alcohol can also result in high blood pressure.

Making diagnose for high blood pressure in youngsters can be very tricky. The blood pressure is changing from day to day and often check ups are necessary in order to follow the blood pressure and make a diagnosis. This is the only way to prove and get proper diagnosis if the doctor suspects on high blood pressure in your youngster.

If the high blood pressure is a result of an illness, than treating and curing that illness might be enough to bring the blood pressure to normal. If the cause is obesity than the doctors will advice appropriate diet, full of vegetables and fruits and lesser salt, as well as physical and relaxation activates. Very rarely doctors might prescribe even medications. Diagnosing and treating high blood pressure in youngsters will help prevent damages on organs like the heart, blood vessels and kidneys. Keep your kids healthy by giving them healthy food and keeping them active.

Get Disciplined, Invite Success

Many of us have a habit of moaning about our problems and the chaos. We don’t fully see the reality of life and deem life as a smooth easy path. Does this moaning make life any better? It doesn’t solve problems, nor does it bring peace and success to your life. If you have not yet achieved all the success you wished for in your life, then don’t expect success to come to you with your current habits in practice.
Once you realize that your current behavior is not giving you anything, whether it is financial success, loving relationships, health or the knowledge you desire, it’s just about the time to do something about it. Every one of us thinks life is going on, we’re going with the flow still success is not coming our way and we have not yet achieved all our goals and dreams. Why is that?
You need to organize yourself. You need to introduce discipline in your life. Many of us perceive discipline as something to avoid or run away from. Many people feel it as burden, introducing limitation, or reducing freedom. We perceive discipline as a threat. We shouldn’t be afraid of discipline because it lies in our ability to accept our responsibilities, devoting ourselves to the process of life and overall balance in our living.
This ability of ours helps us with the way we handle our finances, manage our time and relationships. This tells us how to encompass our personality and character. Discipline is the thing that can save us from drowning into the sorrows that befall us.
It takes a first step, towards our goal that we want to achieve, to become discipline and you must continue it with consistency. Keep taking steps one after another and keep moving. Whatever decision you make, you must follow it though till you achieve your goal. Review and keep record of what you are doing. It is the most effective tool to see if you can do something to improve your performance or if you need to change your approach.
Keeping momentum is another important thing. It’s something the gives you your way to success. Don’t stop no matter what happens. When you continue day-after-day and take good decisions, do things that lead you to success, it will improve your self-esteem, confidence and self-worth.
Each time you preprogram your action and engage discipline into your life, you feel proud of yourself, because that’s when you know what you should and how it brings success to you.
Keywords: discipline, success, organize, chaos, management.
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