Monday, February 21, 2011

Monsters and Moving Forward

We seem to have little or no control over the demons that scare us. We allow them to frighten us or even have power over us. These demons, at times, are mere figments of our imagination, that grow inside us, unchecked and sometimes it’s us who creates them and our negligence makes them grow an insane proportion.
These real or perceived monsters come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. We, many times, might not be able to see them physically but we can experience the results of their presence, which makes them as real as a concrete monster. There lies a potential power with these monsters, which controls our life, and can destroy any chances of happiness. These monsters stop us from moving forward and having a better life until we recognize them and get rid of them.
You must be thinking what sort of monsters are these? Let me name a few of them: Fear, self-doubt, insecurity, anger, and guilt. These are despicable and contemptible monsters; they are ratbags, snatching the right to a better life from everyone who fall prey to them. There is a better life waiting for every one of us. We need to get there but for that we need to fight the demons inside us that stop us from achieving a better life.
We need to recognize these monsters. We cannot get rid of them unless we properly recognize them, i.e. what do they do to us which stops us from achieving our goals? Our thoughts will let us know their name, task and the subsequent effect of that task. It’s not easy to have an objective view of one’s own self because the demons are always up for the fight and keep bugging in the diagnoses process. An outside opinion from a friend or family member will be very helpful.
Once the monsters are unveiled and properly identified, you can start with the process of getting rid of them. Since, these demons reside in your mind, so they must be tempering with your thought process. Closely observe your thought process. It must be negative in parts that makes you fail in your goals or stops you from attempting at them. Change your thought process. Just alter it. This will also need a fight with the demons because they will try to oppose you.

You must stand upfront to these demons and confront them. Your courage, and will to take your right to better life, will be your weapon. Destroying these monsters might not be possible in real but you need to take back the power of controlling you. You can also start from de-intensifying the effect of these monsters. If you are experiencing the fear of failure, then tell yourself it’s not the fear of failure but mere uncertainty or apprehension.
It is a fact when we give our thought to something, we give it power. So, if you were previously stuck in a rut because you gave your thought to these demons, now you should focus on taking control back from them.
keywords: monsters, demons, obstacle, success, happiness, fear, guilt, anger, fight.


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