Saturday, February 12, 2011

Skin ageing

Skin ageing, more so premature skin ageing is something that keeps haunting us day in and day out. Skin starts ageing faster due to many lifestyle factors. Knowingly or unknowingly we make many unhealthy skin choices that make our skin look older before time. Skin ages due to damage caused by the sun and the other is the normal ageing process. Sun is responsible for 80% of skin ageing. If not because of sun, our skin would not develop wrinkles until we reach our 80s.
Apart from sun rays, there are 6 other habits that contribute to skin ageing early than your age. These habits are cigarette smoke, lack of exercise, exposure to cold weather, alcohol use, stress and lack of sleep. Researchers believe that cigarette smoke (whether you smoke or not) damages your skin as much as sun’s ultra violet rays. Living a sedentary lifestyle and not exercising regularly will also lead to premature skin ageing. Exercise helps to tone up the muscles and regulates the flow of the blood. Cold winds and low temperature makes the skin dry and this also becomes a major facto that contributes to early skin ageing. Alcohol consumption causes the blood vessels in the skin to dilate and this in turn causes the blood flow to increase near the skin’s surface. With time, the blood vessels get damaged permanently and this creates a flushed appearance and broken vessels on the skin’s surface. Too less of sleep makes you feel tired and look tired. The skin is the first place where the tiredness shows up. This is characterized by dark circles under the eye and sagging skin.
In order to arrest premature ageing it is necessary to try the following tips.
·         Make sure to use a sun screen whenever you go out in sun. This will further delay the process of ageing and reduce the ageing signs. Always use sun screen lotions that protect you against the UVA and UVB rays and also which have SPF of 15 or higher. Use sun screen lotion not only in summer season but use it all year round, as clouds do not give protection from ultraviolet rays.
·         Avoid being a passive as well as an active smoker.
·          Use cream bar or cream body wash for bathing rather than soap.
·         Make a habit to apply a body cream after bathing so that you keep your skin moisturized throughout the day.
·         Apart from using moisturizers, lotions you also need to have ample amount of sleep and also keep yourself stress free as far as possible.

Following these tips on a regular basis, shall definitely give your face a good lift and make it look younger than your age.


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