Expert observe that an estimated 12 million people are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease world-wide and as the population grows people will live longer, those number will explode more than 3 fold by the year 2050. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive degenerative disease of the brain in which the brain cells die and are not replaced.
Alzheimer’s disease results in impaired memory, thinking and behavior and is the most common form of demining illness .the debilitating nature of the disease renders patient susceptible to infections (such as pneumonia and urinary tract infection) as they become emaciated , incontinent, immobile or enter a persistent vegetative state. It strikes equally among men woman of all races although most people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s are older than the age 60, the disease can also occur in people in their 40s and 50s ten percent of those 65 years of age or older, and almost half of those over 85 have the disease.
The rate of progression of Alzheimer’s disease from the onset of symptoms until death ranges from 3 to 20 years the average in 8 years. Eventually the patient becomes incapable of caring for themselves.
Diagnosis is complicated by the lack of a single, simple test to identify the disease through a series of diagnostic tests by a qualified physician possible causes of symptoms such as depression, drug interaction, nutrient imbalances or other forms of dementia- such as those associated with stroke can be identified. Huntington’s disease, Parkinson disease, Pick’s disease and infections (AIDS, meningitis, syphilis) are ruled out, yielding a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease that is 80-90% accurate a definitive diagnosis is possible only when a brain biopsy or an autopsy. No treatment has proven successful in reversing the course of disease, and providing care for patients with Alzheimer’s disease is very physically and psychologically demanding nearly 70% of those afflicted need to be cared for in a nursing home. People with this disease need a safe, stable, environment and regular daily schedule, physical exercise and social activity are important as is proper nutrition