Wednesday, February 9, 2011

American politics

Federal constitutional republic is what defines United States today, the head state and the government is elected and nominated by the Votes of the common people, making the maximum vote’s party in power and the president of the United States. The election held is federal state mostly occurring in the two year system and this is still not embedded in the law till now. The executive and head of the country with maximum is the president .the senate and the house of the representative, represent the two chambered legislative power. The Supreme Court is the judicial branch and also the lower federal court of to sate, they make sure and represent the regulation of the federal law across all over the country. The United States government always has two main partiers fighting as potential opponent the Democratic Party and the republic part, even though there are other parties also, but in the battle of power these two always held the competition after the American civil war.
Unites states has a different political system as compared to any other developed democratic countries around the globe. The powers in the United States government are mostly held by the Supreme Court and there is a little difference between the legislative and the executive.
 The unites states of America in today’s history is one of the most developed democratic countries in the world, the states government is mostly dominated by the Federal entity, headed by the government itself, then follows the local government, has many divisions such as education law, family law, contact law, and crime.
 Then the local government it is directed to serve and help the needs of the people, and community, then the council manger country government, is the sub division of the state, followed by the last subdivision town and village government.


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