From the first day of school to the first day at collage there is a sudden shift in the upcoming life never the less more demanding, tough, competitive life let it be regarding studies, money, leaving behind high school friends , departing from family and entering in to the new world this all can lead one in to stress. And the entering in to the different scenario, with new social opportunities, making an image about you and off course the main taboo is I going to fit in.
Stress can be caused regarding many things as mention above what matters is to beat it up with tragic and logical way rather than making it more complicated and havoc, there is a bit difference from the level of education in the high school to the level of collage, then comes the money factor schedule with balancing collage life and responsibility that you have towards yourself, you have to make quick decision totally dealing smart way off with all the above mention problems.
Keep yourself ahead in what is being taught in lectures, make foot notes, do the mapping of the topics, highlight the main topics first elaborate them then start connecting them, be truthful and make it your prior commitment that you have to study every day because there is a vast portion and that cannot be completed until one is total committed ,your waking late night strategy won’t work because what you have to details something more intense than rather being a parrot, don’t be a parrot make your own notes and keep adding new information over and over, list the things you don’t understand ask your lecturer use them they are recourses.
Then comes the expectations of your family from you more important is your own expectation from yourself, I would really like it say for all those outgoing students please burden yourself with as much as which you can deal with later that unexpected targets of your can put you in trouble leading in with depression that further leads you to alcohol, drugs, sleeping pills and believe me on this they are not going to help rather make it more worst.