If you are a lady reading this, you will certainly agree and if you are a man, you must pay attention. Many men don’t understand what women want and we can solve a little bit of issue with telling them what some of the things that women want, in an ideal partner, are. The qualities women want are often present in men but mostly not emphasized to surface because of some stereotypes or confusion. If you do not have these qualities then you might have to work on it.
They say action speak louder than words and they can make a women feel great. Doing nice things for her when she is least expecting. Bringing her a bunch of fresh flowers, in evening, after she has had a hectic day will surprise her and she will appreciate this greatly. A little help around the house, with yard or garden or a back rub at night doesn’t look like a big job but it will do wonders in a relationship.
As you help her through things and it is appreciated, you must keep in mind not to tell her what to do. Don’t do that all the time, not until it is asked or you figure out your lady having a difficulty with how to do something or what to do. Men who tell what to do all time are a turn off and it is an annoying habit. It will make her feel less capable or controlled and often this practice ends up in a serious fight.
Attentiveness in a man is very attractive and greatly appreciated quality. Attentiveness is just not about listening but it also caters the compassion and care part. It cares for her needs, if she is facing a problem or how she is feeling at the moment. Women are very perceptive about attentiveness and an inattentive man is mostly taken as clumsy, self-absorbed and uncaring, hence, not a good match.
Spending time with your lady is important but that does not mean to spend all your time with her. Mostly, ladies like men who work with their time in a balanced manner, i.e. proper work time, home time and friends’ time. Women do not want a lot of time but quality time, like a little help with chores when she needs, some time for your emotional needs and relationship. Doing things that make you both happy over the weekend can satisfy you and her with the time need.
Finally, showing your love through actions is a good thing but make sure you are also vocal about your love. You must tell her off and on that you love her. Appreciate her and make her feel loved through words. It will payback by increasing your worth and love in her heart. A light, filled with jokes, chit-chat will put your lady in a better mood and who doesn’t like his lady all smiling.
Learning what your partner likes and want is a cardinal in a relationship. A man just needs to project his positive personality tarits that will make him attractive and make his lady happy, while he should work on negative traits. Reading this article will also give a trigger to contemplate what else you have in you to make your relationship better.
Keywords: relationship, attentiveness, love, appreciate, quality time, attract.