Fruits are the best source of vitamins, minerals and other essential elements required by our body. They help us to remain fit and fresh. Fruits are 100% cholesterol free and they stimulate our memory. They have amazing healing effects and they are rich in fiber .fruits makes us feel better!!!!!!!
Apple: One of the most widely known fruit and having tremendous benefits. Apple are grown around the world .In temperate region you can find this fruit very easily. Apple are rich in vitamin C and
There are other vitamins which are also present but in small quantity such as vitamin B, D, .Calcium and magnesium are also found in little quantity, they are also rich in fiber.
Apple contains phytochemicals which protect us from diseases for example compounds such as quercetin, epicatechin and procyanidin protect against cancer. Quercetin for example has anti inflammatory and can prevent tumor formation and to certain extend it also prevent from cataract .proanthocyanidines such as procyanidin reduces allergic reaction, and slowing the aging process. They also prevent capillary damage, heart attacks and strokes.
Banana: Bananas are best source of instant energy. They are good source of potassium.
Potassium is required by our body as it is good for our ability to manufacture energy. It balances the sodium and fluid in our cell, it contain good amount of carbohydrate .Banana are also very great source of vitamin B6. This vitamin plays a great role in metabolism and it is also found in meat and dairy foods. A raw fresh banana can meet the quarter daily requirement of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is also beneficial in treating autism and woman suffering from morning sickness .It is also very useful in dispelling hangover.
Oranges: Oranges are well known for their great amount of vitamin C supply (they provide 60% to 70 % to vitamin supply) T hey contain useful amount of potassium (200 gm). They are also rich in vitamin A and vitamin E. Vitamin B is also available in small quantity. Other minerals such as magnesium, calcium and iron are also found.
The bioflavoniods , which co-agents of vitamin C , helps to fight cancers.Oranges are grown aroungd the world and they are easily available. Like any food if oranges are stored for long period of time they will be deteriorated the longer you store them .Keep them refigerated for maintenance of vitamin Can other nutrients.