Vase is an open container which consists of various materials like sand, ceramics and glass. It is often used to hold the cut flowers. The vases are often decorated and extend the beauty of a home. The sand vase is an art which encourages a child’s imagination. It is safer for the children than other material like glass and ceramic. You can create your own masterpiece with your imagination. For this you should know How to Make a Sand Vase.
The process of making a sand vase is very simple and you can make it in home. The material which is required for making sand vases is easily available in the market. This material required for it includes sand, liquid paint, powered paint, water, cardboard, funnel, spoon, newspapers, plastic bottles. For making vases first of all mix the sand and paint in different bowls for different colors. Then put it on the jars and shake it well before use. After that pour it on the paper and leave it for 24 hours. When it dry completely store it in air tight container.
You can make different crafts from it. You can use it by layering different colored sand in the jars. The other way of using it to mix the colored sand with glue and water to make a paste. Now choose a unique shape vase and apply this sand paste around it. Allow to dry before adding any other design. Once it becomes dry, you can add flowers in it. You can store most precious treasures in these containers. You can use show your design in various exhibition.
Art is the thing which should be shared with all the members of the family. These types of arts not only entertain the family but also build special memories for the future. Now a days vase achieve an iconic status in the field of art.