You have three kids all of them in different age, and all of them with different needs and with different bugs in their heads. And your job as a parent is to manage these kids to stay on the right path. Managing kids sometimes can be a very hard job especially if you’re juggling between your job, cooking, taking them to ballet and basketball classes and on top of it collecting their dirty socks from under the bed. So how to manage kids and still keep your nerves? Well first of all make them feel important. Make it clear to your kids (we assume here that your kids are not babies at least not all of them) that they are individuals, and they need to have some responsibilities as any other person have. Be careful when you are explaining this to them, you don’t need to act angry, but you need to convince them that they are grown up and they are important part of the family.
Learning the art of managing kids is as complex as any other matter that you need to learn in your life so you need to be patient with them. Start by giving them small assignments and make them feel proud of doing that. It can be simple tasks, like watering the flowers, or sorting out the shoes, helping you while you are doing the laundry or making lunch. Include them in this small house tasks, they will feel happy that you treat them as grown up persons and they are able to help you out. After every completed task give them a sign of appreciation, a small gift or a pony riding, or visit to the zoo. Choose anything that makes them happy and acknowledge them how much you appreciate their help in the house.
For some parents managing kids is hard and they have problems because they don’t know how to build a relationship with their kids. You need to build a quality relationship with your children. Have a conversation with them on themes that they are interested in, like the newest cartoon, or the newest video game, the programmes on TV that they like, how was at school, what are their problems what are their dreams. Become and act like a good friend to them not only like a parenting figure. Shouting, screaming, demanding and ordering are the worst methods for managing kids. You will only make a gap between you and your kids and they will never listen to you, or if they do they will do that out of fear. You don’t want to be the bogy or scarecrow to your kids. You need to be a parent and a friend. Someone they can trust and lean on. Your kids are your reflection.